Tuesday, September 07, 2010

This has been a mixed day.   Started off OK.  I fed Roxie at 6AM and went back to bed for a half an hour or so.   That is really a luxury.  After I got up, showered and did the usual morning things, I went for a nice walk at about 8:30AM or so.   It was really windy but the walk felt good.  I have decided to make myself walk at least three days a week.   Chelsea would expect at LEAST that much of me.   After all, she trained me.

Dick had an appointment with Dr. Cheryl Ziegler this afternoon.  His right eye is looking really good.  The left is still a bit goofy, but the infection is gone.   We are letting it settle for 10 days, then will check it again.  

I brought Dick home and went directly to the Kettle Country Quilters meeting.   I needed to pick up the next pattern for the block of the month that we are doing as a club.   I found out that we do a lap robe 36" X 36" for a Christmas project.  So I must get working on that.

Then, when I got home, there was a call from Louisiana.   We need everybody to be praying.   Bill took our Leslie to the hospital this morning because she was having shortness of breath and other symptoms.  She was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure.  They have ruled out a heart attack and are doing more tests before they determine her care.   She is an exhausted lady and resting so we just need to pray.  I will update you as I hear from Bill.

So that is the day, highs and lows.

God love you and talke care of yourself.


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