Saturday, July 10, 2010

What was supposed to be a rather quiet Saturday turned out to be a bit more busy than I had hoped.

Mom called at 8:AM or so to tell me that her caretaker had not arrived. She is supposed to be there by 7:30AM. Mom could not find the phone number of the agency so she wisely called me. She would have gotten an answering service and gotten confused because of the hearing anyway. I called the service, then the cell phone. where I left the message that the caregiver had not shown up. Then got myself cleaned up and ready for the errands that I was going to run.

I was at Mother's by 9AM and the substitute helper was already there. Mother was exhausted. She had fixed her own breakfast and it really wore her out. I am so GLAD that she has someone in the mornings to help her. She gets so tired. The substitute had been called and had to get there in a hurry too. So I left her in good hands and went on my way.

I went to the bank, to Woodlake, to Amy's Hallmark, do Dunham's Sports and then picked up some prescriptions at Walgreens on the way home. I was home at about 11AM and was able to finish up our dinner. We had pork, mashed potatoes, creamed corn and the fruit salad.

Then I tried to take a nap.

Michelle and Jim called this afternoon. Michelle is healing quite well and her voice sounds nice and strong. Keep praying for healing though. Jim was fixing a tirimisu with homemade lady finger. Quite ambitions. Michelle said the lady fingers are delicious.

I went to Mass at 4PM. The skies opened just after I got home. I had almost decided to water the plants but they said we might get some rain so I held off. This should be just about perfect. I am getting tomatoes setting on my plants but they are slow and way behind. Oh well, it IS only mid July, there is plenty of time for them to set and get ripe. My herbs are doing very well.

So here I am, all tired out and ready for bed. I just have to take Chelsea out, fill the pet water dishes and turn on the dishwasher, then I can crawl in. I just seem to always be tired these days.

Have a blessed Sunday.



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