Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The first day after the holiday weekend. Boy was it hot. 88 degrees and very humid. I started off the day taking care of critters, changing Dick's leg wrappings and doing all the morning things that seem to take forever.

I went out at about 9:30AM to pick up prescriptions for Mother and Dick and a couple other things at Walgreens, pic up a prescription for Chelsea and stop at Sun Graphics to have some photos enlarged for the When Irish Eyes Were Smiling event on July 17. I know what I want to do for the poster, now I need to get it accomplished.

We had the leftover chicken and stuffing for our lunch. Still as good as Sunday. Then I stopped at the post office for stamps before going to the Kettle Quilters meeting. We had a nice meeting. I had seen Lucy and Helen after church on Sunday and they got me motivated to finish one of the challenge squares for show and tell before the meeting. I am pleased with the project.

Then I got my hair cut. Jessica does such a nice job but my hair is always all sprayed and stiff when I come home.

So this was therefore a very full day. We had grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for our supper. Then this evening, I reviewed the Hallmark Christmas ornaments as Saturday is the big blowout beginning sale and I have lots of special offers. I like to go in there knowing what ornaments I need as it goes much faster.

I am tired. I did rest a bit when I got home this afternoon, but could not sleep so I am ready for bed at any time. Tomrorrow morning will also be busy but the afternoon should be quiet.

Have a good Wednesday yourself and God love you.


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