Thursday, July 08, 2010

A fruitful day. I discovered that I DO have pictures, actually tin types of my great great grandfather and grandmother Clifford. I was reviewing some of David Bowser's notes and realized that the tin types that we had copied are them. Grandma Matie Bowser, my grandmother had the tintypes and knew that Johannah Clifford had a "bad eye", a result of an accident when she was young and it is very obvious in the picture. So I am having her picture and Great Great Grandfather Jeremiah's pictures enlarged for the display.

So that took up a bit of the day, researching and then getting emailed for enlargement.

Bobbie came over a bit after 10AM. We bottled two of our wines today, the Concord Rosemary and the Marigold. They look so pretty. The colors just sparkle after the filtering. We decided that next time we will start some new batches as there is room now and fruits and herbs are now ripening and we want to take advantage of the harvests.

I had made a mac and cheese casserole with ham for out lunch with a lettuce salad using the leaf lettuce from my deck. That is the sweetest tenderest lettuce. I wish I could share with everybody. We really like having the wine making here as we get to spend time with Bobbie. She took Chelsea for a nice long walk. Chelsea REALLY wants a ride but we are trying to break her of that as she is getting very insistent and nags us.

Then, I drove over to Mom's. I had three prescriptions for her and took her some soup, mac and cheese and a cupcake. We had a lovely visit and shared some family history before I had to head home again.

It is still almost 80 degrees outside. Actually 10 degrees below today's high. It is still muggy and uncomfortable because of the humidity. But 10 degrees is 10 degrees.

This morning when I took Chelsea for her walk, a toad was in the garage when I got back. When we got up to the door, it just hopped further in. I don't know if it is still in there, but have been trying to leave the door open for an escape route and did put some water in a bowl out there. When I cleaned the garage recently I found a dead mouse. That did not upset me but I like toads.

God love you


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