Wednesday, July 07, 2010

I ALMOST went to sleep without writing this day's blog. Tsk Tsk. The day just almost got away from me.

It was a busy day. I went grocery shopping pretty early this morning. 8:30AM. I was pleased, I found hornet spray at the Pig. I was afraid that I might have to make a special trip to Fleet. We had gotten an email from Alison, our condo president, that hornets are nesting madly in this hot muggy weather and I had used up the last of our spray on a small nest on the front porch some time ago. Now, I dare them to try to set up camp.

I got home at about 9:30 and put all the groceries away. Then I drove out to Rhine to join and shoot in the summer trap league. I barely got a two blocks from home when the skies opened and it started to just pour. Well, according to the reports I have been hearing the rain was supposed to be rather light and just passing through, so I kept going. I got to the club to find everyone, of course, inside. They had gotten one group through and half of another before the storm started. So we all just waited and it stopped in about a half an hour. They all blamed me for starting it. After all, it started when I left home.

I shot a 13, not too bad for me. Doc watched me this time. I am shooting too fast and need to remember to follow through. But, not a bad start.

Got home in time to fix lunch. Then I took a nap. Spent the rest of the day working of family trees for the 17th and some phone calls.

Tomorrow Bobbie is coming and we are going to wine.

Love you

God loves you too.


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