Monday, July 05, 2010

Another quiet day. The only time I left the neighborhood was to to to see Mother this morning. She had been weak on Sunday and Monday is my normal day to visit. So I went over at about 10AM. She seemed a bit stronger, at least her voice, when I got there. We solved a lot of the world's problems, as usual. Then I came home to fix lunch for Dick and Me.

I brought her some cheese, a chicken dinner and a piece of deep dish apple pie.

We had brats and beans for lunch.

The I rested a bit. I have everything ready for taking to get the poster on the Cliffords and Deeleys ready for the 17th at the Sheboygan County Museum.

So I am as rested as I can be for the next couple of weeks.

I was remembering, as we were watching something or other on Tv. That my friend, Janet's children, used to call my ex husband, Uncle Grumpy. That was because he never smiled and always grumbled at them.

Take care and have a good week. A short one for those that work.

Love and God love you


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