Friday, July 09, 2010

I am sitting here with a sweet warm kitty on my lap purring. This makes me very happy.

Today was a bit less humid but the temps managed to get up into the high 80s again so it was warm. I hesitate to say "hot" when I read about the temperatures in the east and south.

It was a pretty much at home day. Jody came to clean this morning. I made a nice big fruit salad, made labels for the Marigold wine and did some more work on the Museum project. Dick and I got his hair washed this morning too.

Then I went to have lunch at the Dairy Queen with my friends. WE had a nice visit. Barb had her little granddaughter with her. She was very good. She ate her lunch then fell asleep on her grandma's shoulder.

I brought a cheeseburger meal home for Dick.

Then I took a nap.

I am trying to locate a nice world map that I can cut out what I want to show the routes that I think the Cliffords and the Deeleys took from Ireland to the US. Any ideas are welcome. My picture of the presentation I want to do is getting clearer now that I know how much room I have.

This evening I had to pick up a prescription for Dick's eye, which is healing very slowly. I seems better BUT is still read and I noticed a small lump on the lid, so we had to change his prescription.

Now it is almost time to wind down. Tomorrow will be nice and I will have time to work on the project again. Only a week to go.

God love you


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