Today was "do" day for our Chelsea. I took her over to Gini's Grooming at 9AM for her annual haircut. Here is the result. Isn't she adorable. She is still, I think, a bit confused. Gini said that she was wonderfully behaved. Even when she got her nails cut. Gini said that she just looked the other way. But it was worth every minute because she is beautiful and will be much more comfortable for the summer months coming up.
While she was being taken care of, I ran several errands. I went to Fleet for pecans, almonds and peal and stick tile for the wine celler workbench. I am sick of not being able to really clean that bench. Then I stopped at Walgreens for prescriptions and vitamins. Finally, I stopped at Clark Gas Station to fill up the car and put air in the right rear tire that seems to need a push about every 6 to 8 weeks. I got all that done in the hour that Chelsea was being groomed.
We had leftover Swiss steak and mashed potatoes for our lunch. Gets better with time. Then I took a nap. After I woke up, I did a bit of gardening and cleaned out under the sink in my bathroom before helping Dick bath and change his clothes. You are not going to believe this. Under the sink, in a plastic wash pan, was a jewelry box. In the box were three rings. NO. Not what your are thinking, now my Grandma's or the other two insured rings, but two stricktly costume rings that I had not even missed and the Turtle turquoise ring that I had missed and did report to the police and the insurance company. There is NO WAY that I would have put that box into that pan so not I am even more confused. But it does give me hope that perhaps I will find the others.
Now we are watching Dancing with the Stars, the Results. It is quite exciting tonight. Only 4 couples left and the tension is rising.
Have a great Wednesday. I will be shopping and distributing posters for the talk on June 3 by Mary Pat Kelly, author of Galway Bay at St. Patrick's Church in Adell. Tell everybody you know. She is dynamic and so is the book.
God love you
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