Sunday, May 16, 2010

A day at home. That was a really nice treat.

Chelsea woke me up at 11:PM and then again at 4:30AM so it was not a bad night since I didn't get up until almost 7AM. The weather was perfect, as far as I am concerned. Warm enough to be pleasant and cool enough not to leave us sweating.

Chelsea and I took a nice walk around the whole complex. I did not let her go into the park as I was afraid that if she got too tired it would be hard on her. She did just fine, though she was following rather than leading on the way home.

I spent the morning cleaning part of the wine room, washing dishes and making a Swiss Steak dinner in the crock pot. Boy did that taste good on top of fresh mashed potatoes.

I took a nap this afternoon, then watered the plants.

We had leftover pasta with a hot dog cut into it for our dinner.

This week will be quite exciting. For one thing, Chelsea will get her haircut on Tuesday. I am sure she will feel pretty good once that is done. Perhaps her tail will not feel so heavy with all of its hair shaved. It sure is drooping a lot these days. She liked today though. Dryer weather is easier on her joints.

Take care and enjoy your week

God love you


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