Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What a day. Chelsea got me up at about 12:30AM but did not come for me again until 5:30AM which is not a bad deal, in my opinion.

I finally got up at 7AM. (I fed Roxie at 5:30AM and gave Chelsea her medicine in the ice cream) Then I took Chelsea for a nice long walk and gave her breakfast which she totally ignored. We had a nice walk though. We met up with the neighbors across the street,Bill and La Vonne for part of it. Chelsea, of course, has much more to explore along the way so we move much slower than most walkers.

Then I went out to do errands. First I stopped at Wells Fargo to cash a couple of checks. Next, I went to Advanced Eye Care to pick up my new glasses. How fun is that? And Lastly, I stopped at the Pig for my weekly shopping. I saw fellow writer Jena and she noticed my glasses right away. That made me feel good. I also saw Jennifer, who used to be in liquor but is now in deli, and we talked a bit. She told me to give Dick a big hug. So I did.

Then I had to face the Quicken Problem. We were having trouble updating from Wells Fargo. I had forgotten my passwords because I had not been in it for heaven knows how long and Dick was getting an error. Hallelujah, I remembered my passwords and now have them safely updated in my file, which only I know the key to, so I was able to update. Then I spent a couple of hours getting Dick's quicken squared away. An hour before I went to the Amputee Support Group Meeting and an hour afterwards. I finally got it fixed but I cannot really tell you how.

Now, the hard part is over and I wish I could go to bed, but it is much too early as I will have to take Chelsea out at 8:30 or 9PM to have any chance of a long sleep.

Here is a Haiku from yesterday.

The Great Blue Heron
Flew gracefully overhead
Blessing our morning.

Did I tell you that on Friday, when we were walking, we got to the end of June Grass Lane and there were two geese, our resident geese I think. They were within 25 feet of us. Now, Chelsea did not see them so we walked by without alarming them and they were only curious of us. I love those times.

God love you


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