Monday, April 26, 2010

Another very tiring day. I left at about 8AM so that I could get gas in the car and be at Rich's House of Flowers at 8:30AM when they opened. Then I took Courtney's flowers out to the cemetery for her. They are beautiful.

Then I went to see how Mother was doing before I went to Bible Study. Alicia, the caregiver, was there, so I finally got to meet her. Dolores was there too. Dolores and Alicia had worked together when Dolores was still working, so that makes us feel even better about her. She is such a caring, competent aid.

Mother was very very weak after her problems of the night before. We now know that she has a bladder infection and her triglycerides are off balance. So there is some adjustment to her medications and she has to get salt and minerals back in her system and she has antibiotics.

At 9:30 I went to bible study and came back after we finished for a bit. In that hour I was gone, she rallied quite a bit. Just the rest and the sipping of the sports drinks must be helping. So I called the doctor and made sure that we have the instructions all down pat. Then went home to join Bobbie and Dick for lunch at home. Bobbie brought Chelsea back too. Chelsea had a good time. The first day she was full of vinegar. She slowed down some on Sunday but was OK. As Bobbie said, At least, she sure likes her rides.

This afternoon, I dropped some stuff off at Kate's and had a cup of tea with her. Then I stopped at the cemetery to take pictures of Courtney's flowers. (I forgot the camera this morning.) Then went over to Mom's to take her the Vit Eyes that she needed and I picked up hearing aid batteries for her. Dolores had stayed with her until afternoon and Donna will come over to fix her dinner and see that she gets to bed. So she will be fine til tomorrow, then we will see. She was almost back to normal when I was there this afternoon and frankly wanted to have some quiet time alone.

I still have not told you much about the conference but will do more of that as time goes on. We had a very interesting key speaker, Jose Lanters who teaches at UW Milwaukee and wrote a book called The Tinkers in Irish Literature. I learned a lot. And it made me realize the similarities and differences between Traveling People in almost every nation.

I will put a couple of pictures on before I sign off for the night.

I am a bit distressed. I cannot fine three of my favorite rings OR my gold watch that I got when I retired. I wanted to take them with me this past weekend. The last time I remember wearing them was about Eastertime and I must have set them down together, but I am going crazy trying to remember where. Pray that they show up. I am really getting distressed about it.

So I am about ready to take our Chelsea girl out and then go to bed.

God love you all.


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