Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rather nice day. The sun was shining but it was a bit cooler than the past couple of days. At least the rain that is supposed to come will not be here until the weekend.

I did the grocery shopping this morning, finishing everything up by about 10AM. Then I did a load of wash, cleaned the kitchen cabinets and made some ricotta out of the milk that had soured. We had leftover corned beef and cabbage for our dinner.

Then I rested a bit but couldn't really sleep so I got up and just worked on anything that I saw that needed to be done around here. I can't really put my finger on it but I was busy all afternoon.

Then I fixed us Reuben sandwiches with the leftover corned beef and we had ice cream with fresh sliced strawberries for dessert.

I then drove over to Mead Library. Karl Elder is leading a poetry share there on one Wednesday a month through May. I missed the first one but thought this would be a good experience. I feel a little out of my league but will probably go back anyway. One of the others said not to feel that way. We can't and shouldn't all write exactly alike.

I wrote a little haiku - no title - Can you think of one?

Outside the window
The cardinal looks for food.
Inside sits the cat.

The week and the month are both winding down. Enjoy each day.


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