Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, Monday. It was a busy one. The weather was beautiful. Sunshine and warmth and robins all over the lawn. Also, the little crocuses are starting to bloom in the front. They are such a joy.

A very lively Bible Study this morning. Ione brought me a copy of the picture of me that was in the Press. She said her husband figured that I must have a bit of beer in the cup that I am holding. I told her to tell him it was actually a bit of Jamison.

Went to Mother's right away. Nora and Leif were still there hoping to say good bye to me and visit a bit as they left for home today. Danice came while we were thare too. She is trimming Mother's hair today. So we all got to visit for about 20 minutes. Then I had to go to Mark Miller's office in Sheboygan to pick up our taxes. Things came out pretty well this year. We had to pay a bit on one and got quite a lot back on the other. So we will do some adjusting for the next year.

I picked up Dairy Queen for our lunch on the way home. After lunch a rested a bit before going downstairs to get the trash, put the clean sheets on the bed down there and clean off the pool table. Then I remembered that I had to go to K Mart to pick up Chelsea's prescription of antacid. So. I took her along. She was so very excited. She seemed a bit perkier than yesterday.

Now, I am watching the premier of this year's Dancing With the Stars. It is quite good so far. I am content.

Tomorrow is a day with no scheduled events. I am looking forward to that. There are several chores to be done. It should be nice enough to put the manure on the rhubarb. I want that to get really nice and healthy.

Take care and enjoy this wonderful weather.
God love you


Mother and Nora found another of Dad's Poems. I will publish it here as it is charming.

My Angel

My angel came from heaven above
He reminds me of God's true love.
He loves me for I am his child
He helps to keep me meek and mild.

My guardian angel never strays
Even when I sleep he stays.
He keeps me safe along the path
Protects me from the devil's wrath.

By Hutz Deeley

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