Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pretty much a stay at home day and the weather was again beautiful. When Chelsea and I went for her morning walk, the birds were singing all around us. Some of them are getting used to us and as long as we keep on moving don't fly away too fast. That is lots of fun.

This was a bath day for Dick and we changed leg wrappings and all. Then I cleaned the drawers in the refrigerator and make some phone calls and did some catch up on email.

We had chicken, garlic bread, corn and salad for our lunch with Waldorf Salad for our dessert.

Than I rested before going to the bank and the drug store. Chelsea and I went out into the back yard to rake the bed with the rhubarb in it. I spread manure on the rhubarb to make it grow big and juicy. Chelsea managed to get herself tangled and tied up around about three different trees. It looked like a spider web. But she had a lot of fun and so did I.

This is going out on Wednesday morning obviously. The internet went down while I was working on it and I could not send it. I even had to reconstruct a bit because it stopped saving.

So such as it is yesterday is reported.

Have a GREAT Wednesday

God loves you


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