Friday, March 19, 2010

The end of a lovely week. I was able to stay home this morning and got a lot of little things done, like finding the top of my desk. I gave Dick some of the leftover corned beef and cabbage for lunch, then went to join my bank friends at the Dairy Queen. I had a really good grilled cheese sandwich. While I was out, I picked up a prescription for Dick, mailed the CWI banner back to Maureen for a Chicago event at the end of the month and stopped at Kate's to give her a recipe and a book that I found of Rotary songs. We had a nice cup of tea together and a good visit.

Home again, I walked Chelsea about four times. I think I told you there was an accident last night in the house and we are very nervous. We are hoping it was just an anomaly. Today has been fine, though she does seem awfully tired.

I fixed a pizza for Dick for his supper tonight as I went to Rhine for the bust up for the winter league. Now the spring league will start next week. We had a good dinner there. Chicken, seasoned fries, potato salad, corn and veggie and cheese pizza for the Friday Catholics (at least those who cared). Everybody was welcome to the pizza anyway and I brought a couple of pieces home - I think I will make a small chicken apple salad tomorrow. I stayed until the awards were handed out then came home. It was lots of fun. I wore the shamrock ring that came with the cookies that Nora brought to Eileen's house on Wednesday night. So Bill Olson, one of the trap shooters, made me a ring to go with it out of a dollar bill. He folds it so the one is the "jewel". He said I am number one. Dick said I should ask him if he can do it with a $10.

Got home to find that Michelle had called while I was out and Dick was "indisposed". So I called back. We had a nice talk and they are coming for sure for Easter. Yippee. We will be so glad to see them. They are getting 6 to 12 inches of snow over the weekend. Michelle and Jim said that when thy tell people where they came from they are saying that it has been 10 years or more since Oklahoma has had such a winter and why did they bring it with them. We told them we are only getting one to two inches. They are starting to get jealous. At least this will not be an ice storm which is very dangerous.

Bobbie is going to cook the Easter Dinner as we are not sure whose turn it is, but I did both Thanksgiving and Christmas because Bobbie had broken her wrist. So we decided to start over.

That is the day. Pretty good. Now after three days of fun, I have to settle down to a normal schedule again. Oh. Well. I need the rest.

God love you all

Until tomorrow, may He hold you in the palm of His hand.


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