Thursday, March 04, 2010

A day at home Thursday. I never had to leave the neighborhood. Chelsea got me up at 1:30 and again at 4AM. Then I slept until almost 7Am. Boy was Roxie irratated.

Joan came to do the floors at 8AM. She was done by 10AM. I worked on computer stuff and Dolores called for some genealogy information on Grandpa Deeley for her grandson, Brandon. Of course, his report is due tomorrow.

I tried to call Bart twice. The first time, a nurse answered and he was out for tests. The second time I called, Barbara answered. He was sleeping and I would not dream of waking him. They do not know the results of the tests and Barbara will call when they do. I will call him tomorrow in the morning again, in any case.

This afternoon, I went down to the family room and worked on some quilting and craft projects. I have finished my CRONE doll except for her shawl. I gave her a cat and a rosary. That is pretty good.

We had leftovers for lunch and the cauliflower soup for our supper.

Chelsea had her bath on Tuesday and still looks so pretty. She, of course, would love to be dirty and stinky again.

Keep our Bart in your prayers and enjoy your Friday and the weekend.

God love you


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