Sunday, January 24, 2010

An I did get to stay home all day.

Chelsea was quite nice too. We only went out about a half a dozen times,which was doubly nice because there was a gentle rain most of the day. The ice is almost gone from above the house entry and the snow banks that the plows made are a good five feet lower than yesterday. One more day of this would probably clear things up.

I did some wash and sent several emails to the CWI for the newsletter and did an assignment for the online Herb class that I am taking. It was altogether a very relaxing day.

We had leftover spinach egg casserole for lunch and I had made Waldorf Salad which we had on a bed of lettuce for our supper.

So it was a very easy day.

We found the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding on TV this evening. For some reason or other, it made me think of a friend of ours form back in California. There was a Greek family who owned a restaurant. Their name was Apostle and they were good friends of my friends the Kirbys. They started to come to the desert on Jeep runs with us. This was when Bret was about 9 to 12, somewhere in there. He used to have permission to take the jeep when were were all in camp and drive it. He would go about 100 yards outside of our campsite, which was in a circle, much like wagon trains of old. He would drive that jeep around the camp if for hours if we didn't go on a run or eat.

One day, I heard this plaintive yell. "Mary, Mary, come here." It was George Apostle. He was sitting in our jeep in the passenger seat and Bret was in the drivers seat looking very grim. George asked me to please tell Bret that it was all right if he rode along with him around the camp. Bret had told him that he was not supposed to talk to strangers.

That reminded me of another friend, Orrin Nordin. When we sat around the campfires at night, we always told stories and often shared songs. Orrin always had to sing a song that he learned as a child called Dicky Dicky Doo. I wonder if my boys still remember it. It was a song about naming the parts of the body starting with the top of the head which was called Rug Mopper which gives you an idea of the song.

God love you


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