Sunday, December 27, 2009

We got to stay home all day today. It was cold but not bitter cold. Chelsea and I were able to have a couple of short walks and she was happy except for one when the sale on the road made the pads of her feet hurt.

Then, I really upset her because I decided to give her a bath bot the wash off the pads of her feet and to clean her bottom which was quite dirty. Now she is the prettiest girl in the whole neighborhood. As we all know, she really prefers to be dirty.

The Packers won handily today and have clinched a place in the playoffs. We really enjoyed that one. My fantasy football score is looking OK. I won't win the week but am at least not out of the running like last week.

I cleaned off my desk today. We have to rearrange things to accommodate the new big screen monitors that we got for Christmas. If these are the only problems we will have the rest of the year, we are blessed. And is it ever nice to be using those big screens.

I scraped the snow off the front driveway this morning too. We are supposed to get more flurries and I am hoping to avoid ice patches. And I did three loads of wash including our sheets so I got a lot done. But I did not feel rushed and spent a lot of time just goofing off and I even took a nap.

Tomorrow will be a bit busier. I will have bible study in the morning and then go over to Mother's. Then in the evening I will go back to Falls to sing in the choir for Fran's funeral.

So we are heading downhill to the end of 2009. The news shows are morning shows ate already doing their recaps of the year. Almost every day, one gets another perspective. I remember when I was a little girl, I always thought, when it got to the year 2000 I would be 60 years old and now I am almost 10 years beyond that. Sixty seemed very old at that point. Doesn't seem so old now.

God love you


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