Monday, December 21, 2009

Quite a pleasant day. The streets were dry enough that I was able to take Chelsea for quite a good walk. Of course, there is no way we can go through the park, but we walked the entire Tallgrass neighborhood and she was a very happy little girl.

I had Bible Study this morning. This is the last Monday that the Keyes will be with us until spring. They go to Texas to be with their son and his family every winter. This week we talked of Jesus statement that nothing that goes into the body is bad but evil can come out of the body. We had a lot to say about that. This is where Jesus said, according to Mark, that the dietary laws of the Jews were no longer necessary. This in effect closed the difference between Jew and Gentile.

Then I zipped over to Mom's because Jeff had to get her to the Sheboygan Clinic by 11:00AM. Between the three of us, we got a new medication ready to pick up and worked into her schedule. She is getting pretty sick of medication. Up until two years ago, she only took one medication. She had a good time on Sunday when Sara, Becky, Jessie and Erin all came over and learned how to make the Christmas Stollen (Christmas Wreath). She said they did very well and it was lovely having them in the house.

I got home in time to fix Dick his lunch and then picked up Jenna, a fellow writer, and we went to Antoinette's for our Cream City Writer Christmas party. There were 10 of us there and we had a great time. Those who wanted read lovely pieces of poetry or song lyrics. We ate a great meal and exchanged gifts before going back to our warm homes. I received a lovely little Tranquility Fountain and an oil diffuser air freshener. Pleasant gifts.

The greatest thing happened. My friend, Kate, came to the lunch and she was quite distressed. She had purchased several gift cards totaling a pretty healthy sum for Christmas presents and could not find them. She had the receipt and thought they were with that, but they weren't and she had been tearing the house apart to find them. So, we all joined hands and said a prayer that the gift cards would be found. This evening, Kate called to tell me that Ron had come home early to help her search and lo and behold, they did find them, in the closet with some other gifts that she had stowed there. So prayers are answered. This was an immediate reply.

I took a nice long nap this afternoon. Roxie started napping with me then got up and after a bit started nagging me for something. We never did figure out what she wanted, probably an early supper.

Take care and be well.

God love you


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