Saturday, August 22, 2009

Called my stockbroker this morning and asked him what I should be buying.

. . .. He said "Canned Goods and Ammunition".

I got this in an email today and I liked it so I decided to share.

It was kind of chilly today. Today is Dick's bath day. That is quite a chore but is getting easier all the time. We found a problem today. The callous on the side of his foot looks like there is a blood blister under it. I am afraid. It is Saturday and there is no way to get in touch with Dr. Moreno now. (If it was an open wound , I would take him to emergency.) I will call first thing Monday but we have put his walking on hold until Dr. Moreno and the prosthesis people look at it. Not a good thing. He has been walking more and now this. Seems to me like there is some pressure and rubbing where it shouldn't be.

Our friend, Bob Fleming, brought over two dvd's that he thins I will enjoy. He got them from he library. He called yesterday to tell me that he had them so I invited him for lunch. He is a nice man and just lost his special friend so I am glad to spend time with him. Dick likes him too. He brought us a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the Farmer's Market. I prepared a tasty (if I do say so myself) chicken/cucumber salad with blueberry scones and brown bread for our lunch. I had some Zucchini Chocolate Cake left from Wednesday so we had some of that for dessert.

After Bob left, I took a short nap after calling Mother. She is doing fine. Betsy is in town. I will try to reach her before she goes back to Texas.

I went to Mass at 4PM. It was the first time that I was at St. John's since the surgery. The Mass was very nice. Fr. Van Beeck does do a nice service. The reading were nice. The first reading has one of my favorite verses. Joshua 24:the last verse in 15 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." The third reading from John after many Jesus disciples leave because they don't like what he is saying has Peter in Chapter 6, Verse 68 saying "Lord, to whom shall we go?" when Jesus asks if they want to leave too. I think I will just hang in there too.

The Packer pregame is on. I don't know if I will make it through the whole thing but wo far it is really exciting. We scored first. Isn't it interesting how we fans say "we" scored first. As if we were out on that field.

Have a lovely Sunday. I should be able to stay home ALL day.


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