Friday, August 21, 2009

I got up at my usual time. Proceeded through the normal morning routine. Chelsea and I took a very short walk because it was raining. It was really just misting but if we had gone the full circle, we would have been soaked. I decided that I do not need a cold on top of everything else that I am trying to heal, so we came home quickly.

I spent the morning cleaning. I got the bathrooms done and managed to prepare our noon meal. We had baked haddock, colcannon, beets and cole slaw. Num num.

After lunch I drove in to Bobbie and Bill's house. Obviously the outdoor plants needed not watering as it has been raining every other day since they left on their vacation. I hope it has not been raining on their parade. But they have lots of things that don't require sunshine anyway.

When I walked into the back yard a bit black cat ran out toward 9th street out of their yard. I saw it on Tuesday in the back yard. That day it headed out into the alley. I picked some ripe tomatoes. This is such a pleasure when Bobbie and Bill are on vacation. I must tell you that the cherry tomatoes that I harvested are like candy. Dick and I are enjoying them no end. When I left, a rabbit showed up heading for the back yard. He saw me and I saw him and we had quite a conversation before I decided that perhaps I should head home. It is amazing how comfortable wildlife in the cities can feel with the humans that occupy their universe. This rabbit seemed to feel quite secure.

On the way home, I picked up prescriptions and then went to Capelle's for corn. The corn this year is really spectacular. We will have our Friday corn/tomato supper as long as I can get the corn. Eat your hearts out anyone who does not live in Wisconsin. The four seasons make some meals very special because they ARE seasonal.

I ran into Dick walking his Katrina dog today. He commented on meeting our Roxie. He says she is a fat kitty. Apparently she greeted him quite enthusiastically when Dick walked Chelsea last Sunday.

Did I tell you that I called Bart last night? Barbara is safe in Germany. I have an address. She is, for a week or so, at a place that will not allow computer hookup unless one pays 20 Euros a day. Oh My God? What Are they Thinking.? At least she has hookup at work and she and Bart can contact at least that way. In a week or so they are supposed to be moving to another place that does have hookup. She will be back for Christmas but may have to to back again. If they offer a permanent position, Barb will probably take it, if it offers an increase in grade. Then Bart would move over there until she is done. Sufficient unto the day.

The weekend is very quiet. The only scheduled event is Mass. I will go on Saturday evening and am designated Eucharistic Minister. I am pleased with that. I never get over being able to give the sacrament to the other members of the faith community.

Guess that is all for now. Til tomorrow then.


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