Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I feel pretty good about today. My goal was to clean "Roxie's room" and I did get that done. I am trying to take a room at a time. Things have really gotten behind with all this leg stuff.

This afternoon, I went to my friend Joan Kramer's and she gave me a truly marvelous reflexology treatment. My hips and knee are much better I feel just so relaxed. Usually it takes about an hour but she spent over twice that on me. What can one do with such good friends that take such good care of us. Then I swung by Bobbie and Bill's house to check out the plants and all. I picked a lot of delicious cherry tomatoes which will make great snacks for the next couple of days.

Part of the treatment is a pedicure so I have pretty toe nails again. Joan and I always get to talking and then into the relaxation part of the treatment before I pick out a nail color, so she has picked it out the last three times. I think it is meant to be. The color she picked today is called Happy Anniversary. I asked her how she knew that Dick and I had our anniversary Sunday. 23 years. That is cool. I was married 23 years the first time too. So in 4 years I will have 50 years in. Right?

I did a lot of computer work this morning also. I still have an update to do for the Sheboygan County CWI group on the Irish Fest and our next couple of meetings.

We had Slim Veggie Soup for supper. It is SO good, had virtually no calories and if lots of veggie portions. A win win if ever there is one.



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