Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello again.

I went to bible study this morning. We had a nice group. The study of Mark is really interesting. It is amazing how often things kind of work together. This part of Mark has the Pharisees questioning Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners. The first reading yesterday was about Wisdom preparing a feast with wine and great food and inviting the simple to dine.

Then I went to Mom's. She is still kind of recuperating from last week. It was a busy week for her but she is very happy with the events that she attended. Time with family is always so important for her. I brought her the worship folder from the Mass at Irish Fest and the booklet that I put together about the Clifford family for the Clan Reunion. I know she will enjoy trying to put that together in her head. It is hard to get one's head around but fun.

On the way home, I did a couple of errands, most importantly getting the first sweet corn of the season for our supper. I got home to late to fix it for our noon meal, so we had leftover meatloaf and potatoes then. But that corn and sliced tomatoes for our supper was taste from heaven. The corn from Capelle's is absolutely delicious already.

I took a nap this afternoon after lunch and totally forgot the it was the Cream City Writer meeting day. Bill, one of our poets, emailed me that it was Sy Regan's last meeting. His sight is now so bad that he can no longer drive at all and he is regrouping his life and eliminating some things, among them the Writer's Clubs as he will be getting help with aids to assist him in writing and reading and needs to concentrate on learning and moving on. I felt bad missing the meeting so I called him tonight. We have been friends for a long time. My Dad was Sy's Boy Scout leader. That was before Dad and Mother were married. My Grandfather was Sy's Confirmation sponsor so the family ties are over 70 years.

I made a veggie soup today. One of my favorites called Slim Veggie Soup. If I have everything, I will probably make Zucchini Chowder tomorrow. Then we will be really stocked up on soups again. We eat soup at least four times a week and it is nice to have a homemade variety.

We got a refreshing steady rain today. Such a blessing. The morning news said that it was going to miss Sheboygan County but we are grateful that they were wrong and it managed to come all the way up here. We ate our first tomato off of our own tomato plants today. There are others ripening. I have never done too well with tomatoes so this is a real thrill.

Til tomorrow. Take care of yourself.

All my love


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