Tuesday, June 30, 2009

That goofy Chelsea woke me at about 1:30AM. I have no idea WHAT that was supposed to be. I got up at 6 though as I had to take Oscar to the Vet at 7:30AM. He ate almost nothing for the whole weekend. I just didn't know what to do. I still don't but now have some direction.

Dr. Pat gave me a pill that should help increase his appetite. I told her that I simply cannot watch him starve. In those two days he had dropped a half a pound. She also showed me how to dispense it and a couple of tricks to kind of make him eat.

We got home and he immediately started coming in for food. He is not eating much, but little bits and oftener. And he is picky. He used to be up for treats anytime, now he often walks away. I need to be watching for the appetite drop again, throwing up and change in his habits.

Dick had therapy at 11AM. We will not go back until he gets his walking time at home up to 5 minutes or more. So after eating lunch at Chester's and making a pit stop at home, we drove into Sheboygan to Wisconsin Prosthesis and got the prosthetic adjusted again. We hope we have it this time. It has been hurting him to walk which is why the time is not increasing. Tomorrow will be the test.

I took a nap at about 3 and then fixed Dick some supper before heading over to Rhine. We were hosting the Kettle shoot and last time, they were short handed. This time there was more than enough help so I was home by 6:30PM. Nice.

I talked to Bret tonight. He is doing well. He will be going out the the River to his new Mobile Home Palace for the weekend. He does not mind the heat out there and has so many friends. It was good hearing his voice.

Tomorrow is shopping and wine.



A Point to Ponder.

If drinking and driving are illegal, why do bars have parking lots?

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