Sunday, June 28, 2009

It was a mixed day. Silly Chelsea was back to waking me at 2AM again. I had trouble getting back to sleep but finally did and got up about 6AM.

The morning was busy. I helped Dick with his bath and watered the outdoor plants.
The wind blew pretty steady and it was in the low 80s so I probably will have to do that again tomorrow. We are supposed to be getting cooler weather as the week progresses. No rain though.

At 10:30, Dick put Bill Moyers show on (we often watch that on Sundays) Bill had W. S. Merwin, the 2009 Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry as his guest. So I watched that with great interest. I think I learned a lot.

As soon as that was over I went to St. John's for the Celebration Picnic. You see the picture of me and Archbishop Kaigama. He was our guest for the weekend, it is Mission Sunday. Amazing to have an Archbishop for our speaker and he is absolutely charming. He is only 59 and has been an archbishop for 9 years. One of our members told him that when he dons the white hat as pope, he wants good seats. He told us a lot about Nigeria in his sermon. His main problems as an Archbishop and father to his people are caused by the political unrest and the fact that his people are often displaced and come to him with needs for basic food and housing. In their poverty they want to build a church. I told him that I would write a poem for him. I also told him that it would take a while because I had to let it grow in my head.

Home again, I brought Dick a hamburger and popcorn from the picnic. Then he walked. He said that it is getting some better and tomorrow he wants to start walking longer.

At about 2, I left for Rachel Kroeplien's graduation party. Rachel, along with her brother Josh and her dad, Jim belong to Rhine Plymouth. Rachel will be off to college in the fall so we will be losing her at least for some time. They are a lovely family. Rachel just got back from a two week educational vacation to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. And yes, she saw blue footed boobies. I saw the pictures. She had one terrifying experience. In Ecuador, she and a companion were walking to school when a man with a knife shoved them against a wall to rob them. Fortunately, a cab drove by and beeped and the man ran away. They also ran, the rest of the way to school. The teachers acted like they didn't believe them but another man who witnessed the whole thing came up and had called the police so there was a report. She was SO scared. But she didn't tell her folks until she got home. She was afraid they might make her come home.

Guess who was there, Becky and Brian and little Elizabeth. The Kroeplien's are cousins. That was fun. Also Lena Lauer, an elderly lady who goes to the Senior Meals with Mother, was there and we had a lovely visit too.

Then home again.

I called Bart and Barb tonight and they are doing fine. I will call Bret tomorrow. He is easier to get on weeknights.

Oscar is worse. He has only eaten 6 little treats today. He turns up his nose at any food that I offer him and the one time he tried, he upchucked. Poor baby, is just sleeping. I will call Dr. Pat tomorrow and get some advice. He is still drinking water, albeit, not much.

Guess that is all. A lot, isn't it?

Take it easy and have a good week. You deserve the best.



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