Saturday, June 06, 2009

It was damp and chilly all day. There was some rain but not enough to be really beneficial or even bad to walk in.

Chelsea and I had a really nice walk though I did shorten it because my knee started bothering me. Every day I am able to walk a bit further before it starts hurting so I think the Celebrex is working.

I just cleaned and stuff today. We also got Dick's bath accomplished.

Then at about 4:30PM I left for Howards Grove and Dolores and Ken's 40th Wedding Anniversary celebration. The boys, Kurt and Todd and their wives did a wonderful job of planning the celebration, putting together a DVD and keeping it a surprise. Dolores and Ken had no clue. It is always a delight when with all the people that end up knowing about a surprise like this can keep it a secret.

It was at the Wagon Wheel and Ken and Dolores thought that they were just meeting their boys for dinner. We had a great meal, as the Wagon Wheel always puts on. Chicken, tips and gravy, with all the good side dishes and cake and ice cream for dessert.

I took Mom home at about 9PM after food some visiting and pictures. She was exhausted and I needed to get home too. What a lovey evening.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend too.



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