Sunday, June 07, 2009

I am very tired tonight. Not for the amount of work I did. But just because it is Sunday, a day of rest as we all know.

I went to Mass at 9:30AM. St. John's is now on it's summer schedule so I really have a choice of Masses. I really like early Sunday Morning and 9:30 ain't bad but 4PM on Saturday is OK.

Saw a lot of friends and visited a bit after Mass. Mary Schroeder was there. I saw her at lunch with the bank ladies on Friday. She had not been there for several months and then here she was at Mass this morning with her husband Dave.

I got home an Dick was sleeping so I just relaxed and prepared dinner. We had ham, red beans and rice and cauliflower. Nummy, nummy. After lunch, I took a nap. Bill and Bobbie came over a bit later and Bill fixed the light switch in our bedroom. It had "died". We were unable to turn the light or the fan on in that room and that is not a good thing. Bill fixed it. I don't know what we would do without him. We are so grateful for them. Not for what they can do but for who they are. Bobbie and I are having so much fun with the wine. We tested what is in process and she is coming back Wednesday when both the elderberry/rhubarb and the White Zin will be ready to put into secondary fermenters by then. They are close, but not quite ready.

Now, we are watching the Tony's. We are Broadway "lovers". We learn a lot at the
Tony's and always wish that we could be there, meaning New York, to see the plays. I will be so glad when Dick is better and we can again go on the tours to see the touring companies when they come around.

A busy week is coming up. Yea. Therapy is starting up on Tuesday. We brought the walker into the living room today. We hope that Dick can start using it soon. He gets up easily nowdays but feels a wobbly. Therapy will help that and build up endurance. Tomorrow is my day. Bible Study, lunch with a friend and then a meeting in the evening with the condo ad hoc committee. WE are just about read to get the road paved which is really the biggest of the problems. Of couse those with minor problems are going to immediately say "But what about me?" Whimper Whimper.

Some people do not know how to roll with the punches or to do anything for themselves.

Guess that is all for now.

Take care.



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