Thursday, June 11, 2009

What a strange morning. Chelsea slept until almost 5AM. Dick and I were almost afraid to get out of bed. With all the coughing Chelsea has been doing we don't know exactly how we will find her. But she finally came to get me to take her out. Guess What, I did NOT shower today. I wasn't going anywhere anyway so I just got dressed and took Chelsea for a walk. We couldn't go far because my knee started hurting really quickly.

I vacuumed the rugs this morning and swept the second half of the garage this afternoon. I still have to wash the concrete in the garage but at least I have made some headway. Dick walked twice today for three minutes each time. We are going to try to increase it to three times tomorrow.

We went for a little drive in the country about lunch time and got our lunch at Culvers. By the time Dick was ready, it was after 12. We wanted to go to Chesters but at that time on the last day of school, there is no way that we wanted to wait that long to eat there. We drove out towards and through Rhine Center, then worked our way back on Highway M. Just admiring the fields and the farms and the scenery. It was the first time that Dick wanted to go out so I was pleased.

It is kind of warm in the house tonight so I opened windows and doors to freshen it up in here. The trouble is that if I open the front door both kitties run there so I can't leave it open too long. We don't want the wrong people to see two kitties.

They have done the prep work on Tallgrass for the paving. The paving will be done late next week, weather permitting. Hopefully that will shut up the dissidents in the complex. The ad hoc committee has been very effective if you ask me.

Guess that is all for now.

I did a bunch of Celtic Women work today too. I am almost all caught up on paperwork.

Take care


Headline in paper:

Ten Commandments, Supreme Court says some are OK some are not.

As the caption said. Didn't know we had a choice.

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