Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, another Wednesday gone and one more therapy under out belts. Dick had therapy at 11AM this morning. Diane, a therapist who has worked with him before, helped us today. She had him walk twice in the parallel bars and then for a couple of sessions using a walker.

We, I looked too, checked his foot after each walk. We noticed some redness on the graft area but it seems to fade with resting and shows no sign of breaking down so we are just going to go slow and keep observing it. No therapy until next Thursday. We found out that Jaren, who was supposed to work with him tomorrow, broke his wrist, arm and possibly shoulder. It is OK because now Dick just needs to practice and can do so here.

So until next Tuesday, we will be doing walking exercises and I will be checking the foot.

I went grocery shopping and too the bank this morning and then after therapy we stopped at Walgreens for Mom's meds and a few other things.

We had hot dogs, beans and salad for lunch. I had purchased Johnsonville Butcher shop hot dogs in casings and they are really good.

Bobbie got here shortly after lunch and we worked on wine. We had to put both her elderberry/rhubarb and our White Zinfindal into the secondary fermenters (the jugs). Now we wait. In 10 to 12 days, I will be adding the rest of the additives to the White Zin and we just have to wait for Bobbie's wines to settle out. Probably about 30 days will be right for the first racking. Then racking every several weeks until clear. Patience. As they say, No wine before its time.

Roxie and Oscar always come downstairs when we are in the wine cellar to check things out. This is brand new territory, you know. The door to the downstairs is usually closed and when I go down to quilt, the wine room is always closed. So WOW. They are fascinated. Roxie always complains a lot. She would really like to get up on shelves and work benches but we discourage that.

Poor little Chelsea won't come down with me any more. The stairs frighten her. I believe that the cataracts in her eyes are impairing her vision so that she cannot see depth. So she patiently waits at the top of the stairs, usually sleeping, these days.

My knee started hurting earlier in our walk this morning. I just don't know what to do to fix it. I left a message for Dr. Murthy to contact me now that I am done with the series of Celebrex that he gave me.

Tomorrow we do not have to go anywhere. I intend to do some cleaning and computer catch up and Dick said that perhaps it would be nice to just go for a ride in the country. We haven't done that in years. I think I would like that. I hope Dr. Murthy calls early.

Til tomorrow


A little boy was overheard praying: "Lord,
if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time just like I am."

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