Saturday, June 13, 2009

I got up at 6AM as usual. Chelsea and I had a pretty good walk before my knee started hurting. Dick had not slept well at all, so after all the morning things (which seem to get more complicated every day) he went back to bed. He slept until I woke him up shortly after noon so we could have lunch.

He did only walked once today because we are keeping an eye on a red spot on the graft on his foot and want to keep things kind of quiet until the therapist and/or the doctor give their opinion on it. I think it is ok. It feels firm and is not in any way open but it is reddish and it seems a bit shiny. We will check it again in the morning and have him walk again then.

I made a fruit salad and an apple crisp today. I used Splenda Brown sugar for the apple crisp so it is an OK dessert for Dick.

I also cleaned the bathrooms today.

The only time I left the neighborhood was to go to Mass at 4PM. It was a nice Mass. I visited with a couple of people that I know. It is nice to feel part of the community. I was able to give communion again. I always feel good about that.

Chelsea has a small seizure this afternoon, nothing like that last one but a seizure none the less. She is always so confused.

So that is Saturday. We heard from Jim and Michelle with a new phone number and a blog entry a couple of days ago. They seem to be doing fine.

I need to go to bed now so Good Night and Sweet Dreams.


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