Sunday, June 14, 2009

I was home ALL day today. What a nice situation but I had way too much to do.

Got up at 6AM and after shower and everything took Chelsea for a nice walk. We got quite a ways down the road before my knee started to hurt. We had scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. Then Dick went down for a nap and slept until noon.

SO. I spent the morning catching up on the computer. My desk is mainly clear. I have to prepare a couple of envelopes for mailing and get a few items up from downstairs for a Wednesday meeting.

I made a meatloaf for our lunch, we had fried potatoes and beets for side dishes. I have enough potatoes and eggs to make a potato salad for tomorrow's supper. Tonight we had some leftover dump soup and egg salad sandwiches.

Tomorrow will be a day mostly for me. I have bible study, lunch with a friend and a program at Mead Public Library tomorrow night on Self Publishing.

I will stop and see Mother after Bible Study. Jeff will be there as he is taking Mom to a doctor appointment at 11:30AM. We are really trying to encourage her to consider having someone there in the mornings when she gets up. That is when she is weakest and it would be safer for her and make us feel better.

Jim and Michelle called this evening. We were so glad. They are through with their training at work so are now fully in their new positions. They are settling into the community and are learning their way around. They are going to start taking classes as they were in Oshkosh so are busy people. AND they have found a couple of acceptable Coffee Shops in the city. Whew.

It was so good to hear their voices and know that they are well.

That is all for now. Soon it will be time to go to bed. I will take Chelsea out and make sure that all water dishes are full.

Til tomorrow.


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