Friday, June 19, 2009

2:30AM again. I might as well just have a newborn in the house. No matter how late I take Chelsea out lately, she is still poking me early.

Oh Well, I guess there is nothing that can be done about it but I sure am starting to feel it. Broken sleep is a bummer and I need my sleep. Naps are helping when I can get them.

I vacuumed the living room this morning and Dick walked early. I left at about 9:30 take Mother to Fesslers for her colostomy supplies. It was nice dealing with Barb, the lady that handles those specialty items. She remembered helping Dick get his stockings fitted. She was sorry to hear that he lost his leg but pleased that things are improving.

Mother and I went directly from there to the Clinic for her blood test. That went really quickly. She should hear on Monday or Tuesday, I would imagine, if she is indeed anemic. If so, an iron supplement should correct that and perhaps she will get a bit of energy back. Years ago, I was anemic and was tired all the time.

I got home in time to fix a Chef's Salad for Dick's lunch. Then trotted over to the Dairy Queen for lunch . There were four of us there today. Betty said that someone actually dug up the flowers that she had planted at her husband's grave. Can you believe anyone being as low as that? To take tributes that people have planted for their departed loved ones? We were all just horrified. She did call the police but what good will that do.

When I got home, I did take a nap. Slept pretty good too. Roxie likes that. All I have to do is head for the couch and she is right there. She loves to nap with me.

I fixed pork chop and Lima bean casserole for our supper. Haven't had that in a long time and it is really good. Very simple too. You mix a can of cream of chicken or mushroom soup with a package of frozen green Lima beans and grate in some Velveeta (not easy to grate, but you don't have to be fancy). Put three or four pork chops in the bottom of a baking dish, spread the Lima bean mixture over the top. Top with a can of French fried onions and bake covered for about an hour, then take off the cover and bake about 15 minutes more.

Tonight I cleaned off my desk. I have a whole folder of things that need to be taken care of tomorrow, but did get rid of a lot of stuff. There is still too much on my desk but at least I have a bit of a handle on it.

Except for church, I get to stay home for the next two days. I am so glad.

Our newly paved road is a pleasure to drive on. We are no longer dodging holes in the road and the two visitor parking spots are now paved also so they are not mud holes any longer.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.



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