Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, here it is, almost 10PM again. I try not to be up this late, but tonight was special. You know this if you have been reading the previous blogs.

Tonight Pat Becher, Peg Payne, Barb Fishbaugher and I met at the Kewaskum High School to see Caim, Heather Innes from Scotland and Jacynth Hamel from Ireland. They are an a capella Celtic Duo. They sing Celtic prayer songs and Celtic traditional music. I saw them last year at Mead and will look for them again next year. They come to Wisconsin every year it seems and stay for a few weeks. After the concert, we Celtic Women invited them to join us for coffee. Barb had arranged for the local coffee shop to stay open a bit late for us. Heather and Jacynth did join us. We had a lovely visit and I shared CWI with them. They may join us. We CWI ladies are thinking of perhaps sponsoring them in Plymouth next year.

Did I tell you I went up on stage and danced with Jacynth as I did last year at Mead. It was such fun.

The rest of the day was really quite busy. Before we went to have Dick's anti coagulation count checked at 10, I put together a spinach egg casserole for our lunch. His count was 2.8 - perfect again so we don't have to take him to get it checked for a month.

He had therapy at 1:00PM. That went very well. He walked twice between the parallel bars then twice using the walker. This is big. A few more times with the walker in therapy and he can start using it at home. He is still working on balance, of course, but looks really good when he is walking.

So this was our day. Tomorrow is much quieter. Dick has actually four days off as he does not have therapy until next Tuesday. So - we will have to keep him standing often and be sure to take the shoe on and off as Dr. Moreno wants us too.

Be good to yourself and enjoy this marvelous weather. It is supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. I finally heard the peepers singing tonight when I took Chelsea out. Another VERY promising sign that SPRING is finally here.



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