Friday, April 17, 2009

Chelsea got me up at about 5 this morning, then I went back to sleep and it was 7 O'Clock when I finally woke up again. I actually felt pretty rested most of the day.

I spent the morning cleaning, washing and folding clothes and doing computer catch up.

I had lunch at the Dairy Queen with the bank people. Marlene said she will distribute communion on May 2nd when I am in Lake Geneva for the Celtic Gathering.

Tonight I picked up Nancy Roehre at quarter to five so we could go pistol shooting. I did not do TOO badly tonight. It is better than it has been anyway.

Tonight during Ghost Whisperer I worked a bit more on that lonely little doll that has been sitting naked for a very long time. Oscar came downstairs and cuddled in my lap for the longest time. He has been very affectionate with both Dick and I all day today.

That was the day. It is coming close to the end now. I will close with a quote.

Depak Chopra said, "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you," It actually reminds me of a motto I use under pressure. "Be like a duck. Appear calm an unruffled above the surface and paddle like hell below."



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