Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It was a bit warmer than predicted but still damp and rather chilly. I was up at about 6:30 for good.

I had to take Chelsea in for a blood test as she was due for a prescription renewal and Dr. Pat wanted to see how her levels are holding. She is losing ground but there is not much we can do that is reasonable. Increasing her meds runs the risk of causing other problems. So we take care of her and wait. The coughing is really more intense, but I wish you could see how happy and alert she is when we go on our morning walk. And she is not in pain, though I am sure the coughing is not comfortable. It seems to be keeping fluids from forming in her lungs so that is a good thing. Anyway, she did not seem to mind her little outing.

Dick had therapy at 1:00PM. Tim, the prosthesis guy, was there and is really pleased with the walking progress and the condition and continued improvement of the stump itself. If it does not change in size over the next month, we will move on to the next step. A more permanent cup. Dick and I really felt good because Tim said that we are, as a team, really doing a good job getting him healed and shaped and ready for that.

I worked a bit on the doll that needs dressing and read a bit tonight. I wanted to be available to watch the final interview with Archbishop Dolan which is followed by Dancing with the Stars. The interview was very nice and included a bit of the Archbishops history and what he accomplished in our Archdiocese.

Tomorrow, Dick will have an early appointment with Dr. Sharon. I hope we can get some answers to a few questions we have. And perhaps some advice on a couple of problems.

So, a tired lady is going to take Chelsea out for her last evening bathroom break and go to bed.

Be good to yourself tomorrow. You deserve it.



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