Friday, March 13, 2009

Today was a reasonably quiet day. Though I don't know quite how it went so fast.

Got up at 6. Did all my usual morning things. Chelsea and I had a really, really good walk at about 7. We were able to get through the park, so walked between the ball diamonds out onto Valley Road and back around the park to Tallgrass again. She was just beside herself. It was cold, but there was no wind and the grass was frozen enough that we were not wading in it.

Then we worked on getting Dick ready for his therapy. That went very well. He stood three times, the longest for 9 and a half minutes. A record. We like records. After next week, we will drop the therapy to twice a week until he has his shoe. Monday he will be reevaluated again as part of the Medicare paperwork. It was supposed to Wednesday but I had to go to the hospital with Mom. They wanted to reschedule for yesterday but I was just too damn and I mean damn tired after we had that doctor appointment in Sheboygan.

I decided not to go out for lunch as I am still very tired. So we had lunch here and then I took a nap. I cleaned the bathrooms and did some wash and vacuuming but am still behind on cleaning.

This evening, I picked up fish fry from St. John's. Dick says that they should really have Lent longer as he likes it a lot.

Paula Poundstone said, "The problem with cats is that they get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or and axe murderer."

Roxie is taking up half my desk and Oscar is waiting patiently for me to go to bed so he and get to sleep. Don't you wonder who in in charge around here?


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