Saturday, March 14, 2009

It was a pretty quiet day, made more quiet because Dick was very tired all day and kept napping.

I did a lot of things, but just at my own speed. I did have an appointment at the bank to review our accounts but was only gone for an hour.

I baked some of the Tastefully Simple beer bread and some cupcakes and I made a nice lime jello with sour cream, pineapple and nuts. So I am pretty much stocked up on food again. Good thing. Except for tomorrow, the days are going to be very full next week. Tomorrow I am going to visit Mother in the afternoon. I am also going to make corned beef and cabbage.

St. Patrick's Day is looming very fast. I am looking forward to the walk and the companionship. I decided that tonight I am going to go to the Plymouth Art Center to see Mary Calvey's Shamrocks and Shenanigans show. This is her forth year. It is always fun and I need a break. Since the play AND my storytelling class fell by the wayside, I am looking forward to an Irish fix.

I finally believe that spring will really come. Yesterday I saw a robin, but that was not so conclusive as people have been reporting seeing them for the past two or three weeks. Bobbie said that she and Bill saw SIX in their back yard a couple of weeks ago.

But today ----- I heard two red winged blackbirds calling to each other. I thought I heard them yesterday, but today I was sure. Now when we get a nice long soaking warm rain, and the worms come up from way down deep and cover the road I will KNOW that Spring has really come.

In our old neighborhood, I could also listen for the kids playing basketball in their driveways, but we don't have any kids here.

Hours have passed since I did the above and I have just returned from Shamrocks and Shenanigans and am so very glad that I went. The songs were a nice selection of Irish and Irish American. Fun songs and sad songs. Drinking songs and goofy songs. Mary even had a bagpiper this year. He is a 10 year old from Kiel named Tyler Tuttle and he is sensational. If he is this good now I can't imagine how he is going to be when he gets older. I will send a picture of Tyler and Mary.

I was talking to the Dippels, Beth and Dean, and mentioned that I was on a baking frenzy this today and had baked cupcakes, bread and made jello. Dean thought that I had made Irish brown bread and was quite hurt that I had not brought it along. I was happy to assure him that it was not brown bread but beer bread. I bring brown bread to gatherings and it is such an Ireland reminder and SO good.

Til tomorrow.



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