Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today started off with a bang. I had a rather dumb night. Had to take Chelsea out twice and then I got very uncomfortable and had trouble getting back to sleep. Finally did get back to sleep but had to get up at 6 anyway.

Chelsea and I went for a nice walk, not a long one but a nice one, at about 7AM. As we started around the corner she was barking up a storm. I noticed some movement on the railroad tracks between Tallgrass and the park. Two deer must have been discussing their plans for the day and when they heard Chelsea they took off like a shot in opposite directions. We also heard a cardinal singing his heart out again this morning.

I went grocery shopping right after breakfast. I had to hurry because it is Ash Wednesday today and I wanted to go to the 10AM Mass. I was able to finish the shopping and get to Walgreens and home in time to get to Mass on time. I like to start Lent off in a proper manner. I remember when I was a kid, before I started going to the brand new Catholic School , we used to go to early morning Mass, on Ash Wednesday, get our ashes and proudly wear them to the public school. I guess because it was a unique thing to be doing. A badge of our being Catholic.

I ended up doing the same thing today. After Mass, Dick and I had lunch, I rested a bit then went to the Amputee Support Group meeting at Rocky Knoll. Tonight I remembered that I never washed the ashes off of my forehead. None of the attendees said a word. Hopefully they knew what they were and didn't think I was just dirty.

I spent a little time working on my stump doll. He is coming along. I need a collar on his coat and want to give him a beard. Then I want to make a little kilt skirt for another doll that I started wome time ago. She will need more thought.

Tomorrow morning will be quiet. Dick has therapy at 1:30 and I am supposed to go to a Tastefully Simple party tomorrow night. Bad weather is also supposed to be moving on in. Icy roads are the worst part of the prediction. We will just have to see how it develops.

An anonymous poem that I think is beautiful. It comes from Manyoshu a collection of Japanese verse.

If snow falls on the far field
where travelers
spend the night,
I ask you, cranes
To warm my child in your wings.

Til tomorrow


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