Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This was a red letter day. Andrea from Wisconsin Prosthetics and Orthotics accompanied Tim to the Plymouth Care Center Therapy department. She is the shoe specialist. We are excited. She is hoping to be able to modify a premade shoe to work for Dick. It will need an ankle brace and an insert. If this will work, we will be able to have the shoe in two to three weeks. She is ordering a shoe which should be here by the end of the week. Then it will have to be adapted.

If this does not work, she will have to go further and have a custom shoe made for him. This will take at least a month and stretch the delivery time to 5 to 6 weeks. Either way, we are on the road.

The rest of the day was very quiet. I sent out several emails on CWI which caught me up there for the first time in weeks. I also worked on the grocery list.

Leslie emailed today. All is quiet down in Louisiana but now I know that they are OK. It is comforting to have contact.

Now, after watching Bones, one of my favorite shows, the President is going to talk to Congress. It seems that he has to speak very carefully and he has to show conficence. Our economy is going to hell in a handbasket and somehow or other we need to begin the pulling back and rebuilding. There is no one answer. But we need to realize that greed has to stop and that not everybody will be happy with the outcome.

Some facts.

Not everybody is qualified to purchase a home. Just living in the US does not entitle you to this priviledge.

Illegal immigrants are illegal and need to be treated as such.

Golden parachutes, greedy ceos who demand ungodly high bonuses and salaries have to realize they are wrong and will suffer the consequenses.

Our political figures should have to rely on the same SSI and medicare that the rest of the people do upon their retirement.

There is a point in earnings when more money becomes a "trip". There is a point where there is no need for more money. Noone needs three or four houses for example. Not when one can look around and see families living on the streets or even from paycheck to paycheck and not really being able to feed their family adequately.

Well I have vented long enough. Noone of any importance every asks my opinion anyway.

Have a great day tomorrow. I will be going to an Amputee Support Group meeting in the afternoon. Dick is not quite ready to go yet.

Til tomorrow then.


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