Thursday, January 01, 2009

The first day of 2009 passed quite pleasantly. Critters and I spent a nice couple of hours from the time I woke up until 9AM when I went over to see Dick at the center.

We visited until 10:30AM. Then I had to leave so I could pick up some stuff for Mom, go home and walk Chelsea, pick up Chinese food and to to Mother's for lunch. It was still cold, never got over 20 degrees. Actually that is a big improvement over 4 so I guess we should be happy.

Mom and I enjoyed out lunch and our visit. Aunt Kathleen called while I was there. She and Uncle Bob are in Alabama and enjoying lovely weather.

I came home at about 2PM and took a nap. I am really tired again and Dick and I decided that I will stay home tomorrow, except for taking Chelsea for her blood test. A day at home not doing much will be a big help.

Words for the first day of 2009, or any year.

T.S. Eliot said, "For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."

This is an end and a beginning. I am hoping that our health problems are solving and that Dick will be home SO SO soon.



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