Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Frigid air has returned to Wisconsin. I woke up to 10 degrees at 4AM. Took Chelsea out. Went back to bed until 6AM to find that the temperature had dropped to 4Degrees. Our high was 13.

I put the heater back on in the garage to keep it from getting too cold.

I stayed home until noon today. Our wonderful neighbor, Harold Wendorf, prepared some wood pieces for the spaces where the old hinges were on the door. I am so grateful for the kindness of people. Harold is 88 years old and has a shop in his basement where he likes to do woodwork. After he was done, I went over to see his and Helen's home. They have basically our floor plan flipped. They have only one bathroom upstairs though and it is, much bigger as it takes the space of both of ours. I kind of wish we had that, It would make Dick's moving around much easier.

But we will figure it out.

The Amputee Suppor Group met today out at Rocky Knoll. There were 10 of us there. We had a nice time. Played bingo. I won a gift cetificate for $10 from Kmart. That was nice. We meet the forth Wednesday of every month. I hope Dick can come next month. It will depend on when we get him home and what the schedule turns out to be. I will encourage him to go though.

Got home on time to get ready for church at 4PM. New Year's Day is a holyday of obligation. I did not want to go tomorrow. I will be picking up Chinese food and going to Mother's for a New Year's lunch. We are both looking forward to that. I plan on having supper with Dick. I may bring something.

After Mass, ( I sat with my friend Ceil and then Greg and Kathy Ziegler sat in back of me. I was double glad to see the Widder's, friends from Blessed Trinity at this Mass too.) I went home, fed the critters, gathered something for my dinner and a bottle of champagne and went over to Plymouth Center for a meal with my sweetheart. We followed it up with a glass of champagne and a piece of the fruitcake that Richard and Brenda had given us for Chrismas. BOY is that EVER good fruitcake.

Now I am home again. Critters are very happy and we will bring in as much of the new year as we possibly can. I will probably go to bed pretty close to my normal time but will try to catch at least ONE celebration. We are pretty quiet New Year people anyway, but I sure miss having Dick here.

I changed all the calenders today. Seemed like a good time to do that while I was waiting around here in the morning with Harold.

A blessing for the New Year. From Numbers 6:24 -26

The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!



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