Sunday, December 14, 2008

It was a restful busy day today. I was able to spend quite a bit of time with Dick, as it turned out.

Chelsea woke me up at 4AM again. I wish I knew what this is going on in her little head. I took her out and then went back to bed until 6AM. It seems to be working, so I guess I won't mess with it.

I had some egg whites left from the Guy Pie recipe so I made coconut macaroons this morning. They are the EASIEST cookies in the world but are only practical if one has used egg yolks for some reason or other. It made a nice treat for Dick tonight.

I cleaned the kitchen floor and the mat for under the kitty litter box. It fits perfectly in that corner of the old office. I need to do a bit of protection for the corner but it will work just fine. I had leftovers for lunch and then prepared a portabella mushroom sandwich to take over to eat with Dick for supper. They had hot turkey sandwiches for him. (Guess what, he does not like mushroom sandwiches.)

We had a nice visit this morning. He was in therapy when I got there. (Lori cannot be there tomorrow so came in today as some of the patients are required to have a minimum number of sessions. I was able to tell her about the graft and that we have to be very careful about weight bearing for two weeks.

When I left, I went to the bank for some cash, picked up some pretzels for Dick and ran by Rhine Plymouth Field and Stream. We were hosting the Badger shoot and I had promised that I would stop by. I told them that if they REALLY needed me, I would work for an hour. They are such sweeties and told me that I should go home. I was able to pick up the orange/grapefruit box that I ordered from Rachel who is in 4H and sells it for a fundraiser. It is always SUCH good fruit. A case is really too much, but it does last quite a while and I will share.

I took a nap this afternoon. That was helpful. I never seem to feel quite rested these days.

Now I am home. I forgot to watch the Packer game and since they lost, I am just as glad. Again, they were favored. I do know that their defense is useless. But don't know WHAT happened today. Dick said that they lost in the last couple of minutes again. What a pain.

Dick commented tonight that he is probably the youngest patient on the floor. He may be. Mary is probably younger but most of the residents are there because they are in Senior Care. Again it is a comparative situation. He can feel young.

When we had the Orange County Four Wheelers Jeep Club Christmas party, we always exchanged gifts and did it in this fun way. All who brought a gift were given a number . Number 1 picked a gift and unwrapped it for all to see. Then Number 2 would do the same. If Number 2 liked number 1's gift better, he could trade. And so on down the line. As you got further up in number, you had more choices. It was amazing what would turn out to be the most popular. At the end Number 1 had a choice of ALL of the gifts. One year, a young single guy who was quite shy got a tray with the naked picture of Marilyn Monroe on it. He was so shy and embarrassed that he just exchanged it for the closest opened present that he saw. That was so sweet.



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