Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A busy busy day. I had to take Chelsea out at again. This is one of those situations that kind of started when Dick was here. She would get up BUT he could tell if she was really anxious. Now, I can't take the chance. So we are getting into the routine of letting her go to the bathroom and then my going back to bed until 6AM. It's working. Not my preferred scenario, but it works.

I fed everybody. Oscar ate like a little pig. Roxie is not eating. So I put it down, and I figure that she will eat when she gets hungry. She may have a little tummy distress from the changes too. She is coming around for love and attention. And though she is not impressed by Chelsea, hissing at Chelsea if she gets too close, she is not frightened. Roxie also found the heating cat bed that Jim bought several years ago and now she likes it.

Oscar has found a hiding place that is REALLY good. He comes out to eat and occasionally for some petting but is mainly laying low and I have NO idea where.

I went grocery shopping at about 8AM, then to the bank and Walgreens. After groceries were put away, I went to spend a couple of hours with Dick. I watched his therapy, then went to Bill Cain's Annual ReMax open house. Bill is looking good. Better than he has looked in years. He was very sick for a long time. I saw several old friends there and head a wonderful lunch.

When I got home, Roxie was in the cat bed and very content and there was no sign of Oscar. I took a nap and did a bunch of straightening up and CWI work. I have one more board member for 2009. Janet Bieschke said she would be on the board. Now I only need one more. Perhaps tomorrow, I can take care of that.

I heated up the last of the chili for Dick and me for our supper tonight. It sure hit the spot. I came back home at a bit before 7 and am really going to be ready for bed at 9PM.

Would you believe that a week from tomorrow is Christmas? Tomorrow, Dick has the graft sutured onto the open wound on his right foot. Thank heavens, the big snow that we are supposed to get is not happening until late in the day. This graft has to be used very quickly or it won't work.

He has an appointment with Dr. Sharon, his primary physician, on Friday but if things are too bad, we can always reschedule that.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu said "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."

Like I told my boys. Bloom where you are planted.



P. S. Roxie still doesn't like it if I whistle.

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