Saturday, October 04, 2008

Well, Dick is back at Plymouth Care Center.

It was a long day, starting with a walk with Chelsea at 5:30AM in 32 degree temperatures.

I got to the hospital at 7AM, then found out that Dr. Fehrman was not coming in so I could have slept a bit later. But it was a good thing I was there. The nurses had given Dick an Ambien at 3AM and he was affected by it all day long. Sleeping, and getting confused. I can't figure it out as Ambien is listed as an allergy for him, but they did it.

Anyway, Dr. Phelan came in just before noon and said that everything is stablized enough that we could take him back to Plymouth. We managed to get him ready by 3 and Custom Care and Transport, who have moved him before came to take him back.

I left him being rebooked in and will be heading back to spend the night after taking Chelsea out one more time so she will be comfortable until morning. Then I will came back home at 5:30 or 6AM tomorrow to take care of her again and to shower and get ready for the day.

So I am going to sign off now.

Take care, thanks for all the prayers. We still need them but are on our next step of the journey.



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