Thursday, October 02, 2008

Another long day. You must get bored hearing that. I got up a bit after 5:30 and took Chelsea for a misty walk. It was cold too. Then I showered, got gas and headed for the hospital. I got there just after 7AM and missed Dr. Fehrman by five minutes. Darn. Dick said he really didn't have anything new. I will get there BEFORE 7 tomorrow.

Dick looked pretty good. He said he slept OK and he is eating a bit. The nurse who came on this morning suggested that we get one of those overhead grab bars for him. He wanted that from the beginning because he CAN do a bit of shifting around himself that way. We had to switch beds completely which was a major event. They had to line up both beds, transfer him with a board and three people and rearrange the whole room for both the lining up and the moving of the old bed out. But it is done. He was exhausted and immediately started dozing.

I headed home to check Chelsea at about 10 so I could get back in time to be there for the PT session at 12:45. Of course that was when Dr. Phelan came in so I missed him too. Dick said he did not have much to report either. I NEED to be there.

Therapy was very exciting. The first time he stood up, with help of course, was traumatic for him. He swayed and had to sit down right away, but then he managed to get up and onto the commode and then up and back to bed. So he is accomplishing a lot. As Ken said, he now has to stand and balance on one leg and this is new and not easy.

Bobbie came shortly after the therapy and Jeff and Kathy came by to see him too. So the afternoon was not so long. Jeff and Kathy brought me some fresh veggies. Num Num.

When going to the Clancy Brothers concerts, the crowds would always want encores and more than one if they could get away with it. Liam would finally say. "Have you no homes to go to?" and the crowd would roar "No." But I do have a home to go to and am so glad to be here. Right now it is a lonely home. But Chelsea and I are going to keep it warm and ready until our guy comes back.

Chelsea is whimpering at me to go to bed. Old and cranky doggies get very set in their ways.



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