Friday, September 26, 2008

What a disjointed day. It was 48Degrees when Chelsea and I went for our walk this morning. Great walking weather but it was a bit too dark for my liking. She seemed a little tired and sat down a couple times as we moved along. She also managed to pick up a few burdocks that I had to cut out of her fur before I fed her.

I made some phone calls, sent some emails and gathered up clothes to take over to Dick. Got there at a bit after 9AM. Did I tell you that Dr. Moreno is going to the hospital to see Dick and check out the wound on the right foot? He is so good. One of his nurses, Brian, works there too and will check us out and let the Doctor know when is a good time. I am amazed and so grateful.

Took Dick down to the Beauty Shop this morning to get his beard cut. He is all set now. The beautician did a really nice job. He looks good.

I left at about noon to take care of a few things and then went to the Dairy Queen to have lunch with my bank friends. Marlene, Joyce, Ceil, Barb and Alice were there. I am the one with problems right now and they will all be storming heaven on Monday. Our friend, Betty is in Connecticut taking care of her daughter who had a very serious stroke, so pray for Julie too.

Joyce was getting teased because she had a "date", a lunch with the widower of a friend of hers. She said that her daughter said the she can't get a date and her mother has two beaus. So she must have someone else that she does things with too. She is a kick.

After lunch I was back in time to watch Dick do his therapy. He is doing really well with the transfer board. He does get exhausted quite easily. But he is plugging along. We had supper together. I went into the dining room and ate with him and the "guys". I think it is good for him to get out of the room. They had scalloped potatoes and ham for supper. It was quite good. Tomorrow, I am going to bring my supper from home and we will go into the sun room. His appetite is really poor.

I left at about 6:30PM and picked up Nancy to go shoot pistol out at Rhine. We both shot 3 targets. Nancy started off with a bang but I think she is trying to think too hard now. Maybe trying to remember too many things. She will get it back. I am my usual self. OK - but no whiz kid. When I got home I received a call from Dick, he needed something, so I loaded Chelsea into the car and we took it over. He was glad to see her and she was very excited to go to see him.

Now I am home and trying to get to bed by 9AM. Tomorrow I have to pick up Share. I want to find out if they are in California too. Bret would like to find something like this.

Mother Teresa said "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much!"

Pericles said "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."

Have a lovely weekend. Even if it rains it is still warm enough to be pleasant. Enjoy!




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