Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guess What. I got to sleep until 6:07AM. Aren't digital clocks something. When I was a kid they were not and we would have rounded the time to 6:10AM. We saw another little dog that was new to us this morning and Sara Behr called a nice hello as we walked by her house.

I did stuff around the house and got all ready so that I was able to be at Plymouth Care by 9AM. Dick is all cleaned up and breakfasted by then so we can kind of settle before he goes to therapy. This morning was a bit different though. We had a CARE meeting this morning. The nurse, the social worker, the activities director and the physical therapist all met with us at 10:30AM to review Dick's care and discuss the wins and goals. He is really doing quite well in his therapy. We are concerned that he has a few breathing issues and of course are trying to somewhat be on the same page as to his care after the surgery on Monday. The hospital has contacted both the Care Center and me as to the time (2:30PM). He has to be there at 12:30 and arrangements have been made for Custom Care and Transport to pick him up at 11:45AM. I will meet him at the hospital. That way I will have the car there.

He went right from there into therapy so by the time we had lunch, together, he was exhausted. I went home after lunch and caught up on a few things and phone calls, then took Chelsea over to see him for a few minutes. She likes the ride and is glad to see him but is not a cuddly dog so we only stay about 15 minutes, then I take her back home.

I came home again for supper. I had made a Crab Louis for lunches. It was such a large amount. So I emailed Michelle and told her to come and share. She was glad because Jim doesn't like crab (his father's son) and she does. We like to share such things.

I stayed with Dick until they were ready to hook up his IV for the four hour drip, then came home. I am so tired. At least I have been sleeping through the night.

Chelsea and I did some watering and a bit of culling of the dead plants in the planters today. We filled the birdbath too. Don't want our feathered friends being thirsty.

When I was a little girl, my Grandma Deeley bought me a bunch of packets of seeds that were all named for bible things. There was St. Joseph's staff, I wish I could remember what that was, but the one that really stood out was Mary's Thistle. It was indeed a thistle. It has fuzzy leaves going one way crossed by rather smooth leaves that went the other. It grew quite large too. Dad patiently planted all of my seeds with me. Some did OK but the Mary's Thistle became legend. Every year after that Mary's Thistle would show up SOMEWHERE in the garden. Dad never knew where but he would look for it. Usually there were several and he would always keep just one. It was a fond memory of his Mom, my Grandma, for both of us.



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