Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hi. This has been a busy day and a rather good one.

I got to sleep until almost 6AM and had a really good sleep.

Then I met Nora and Leif at the Family Restaurant in downtown Plymouth for breakfast. They are here until Thursday and Sunday I was beginning to think that I would not get to spend time with them. I remember coming home for visits when I lived out of state and time gets short and there are so many people to see. But they made time. I saw them Monday at Mother's and today. We had a nice visit and catch up at breakfast. Then they came to the house with me so we could drop off the veggies that Jeff and Kathy had sent for me. (Beets, kohlrabi, tomato and a gorgeous red pepper. I am going to fix that beet one evening and bring it to Dick for a special dinner. He LOVES fresh beets and I am trying to tempt him. His appetite is not good.) Then we all went over to the Plymouth Care Center so Nora and Leif could visit with Dick for a bit. That was good for him and for me. We had a lovely catch up visit. I was able to complement Leif on his journal of their Danube Cruise. Stenn has certainly set the bar high with his wonderful journal of his and Bing's trip to China for the Chinese New Year.

After they left we eventually got down for Dick's therapy. After that I left for home to take care of Chelsea, do the grocery shopping and have lunch. We always pick up our lottery tickets on Wednesday and I found out that the prize is up to something like $170 million. We buy a ticket every week and with all that has been happening I have not been paying much attention. It would be nice to win, but I wonder if it would make much difference. Could it buy better care for Dick? I don't think so. But maybe I could bring him home sooner with live in help. Sounds good, Right?

When I got back to Plymouth Care, I rested for a bit, then went to Fr. Van Beeck's prayer service in the chapel. I was delighted to see that my friend Maryanne Robinson was playing the organ. Fr. Van Beeck talked a reading from Proverbs which pretty much asked God to give us enough, so that we don't waste time better spent praising Him searching for the necessities and not so much that we get caught up in the power of possessions and things.

Jim and Michelle stopped by after work. A pleasant visit for Dick. They were sent, I think. I was just getting ready to go home to feed and "medicine" Chelsea and hurry back to have dinner with Dick. They were there to save me one trip. We were sure glad to see them.

Dick and I had a nice supper, a brat sandwich, beans and a cookie. Then just relaxed together until about 7 when we figured that I had better get home because there was "stuff" to do before I go to bed.

I am almost done now and Chelsea thinks it is WAY past bedtime.

I have a lovely article about "Thin Places." The definition of a thin place is a place where the veil between this world and the Other world is thin. Sounds interesting doesn't it.

Be happy. We are because we are there for each other. I'll be there for you if you need me.



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