Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a day. I am exhausted. I woke up at about 6AM and Chelsea and I had a lovely walk. It looks like they are working on Highview Avenue again. They oiled the road and I hope they put another layer of blacktop soon because there are big bumps at all the intersections and the cars really get bumped around.

During the night, Dick's foot start seeping again and there was a blood path from the bedroom to the kitchen to his chair and back again. So, this was a busy day. I soaked up the blood with a vinegar and water mixture, then vacuumed, then ran the carpet cleaner over all. By tomorrow it will be dry and I will vacuum again. Poor Dick. We seem to finally have it all stopped. Tonight I redressed everything and there is no sign of bleeding.

I left at 11:30 to go to the Clinic to pick up some meds from Dorothy at Dr. Moreno's office. I had called this morning to ask for help. Dr. Moreno told me what to do about the bleeding, the swelling and dressing the wound on the right foot. They gave me a dressing which is what I picked up. Then I had lunch with my friend Esther Hasler. Esther is a friend from Blessed Trinity and is moving towards the end of September to Florida to be near one of her sons. We had a really nice lunch at the restaurant at the airport. We had a nice lunch, both opting for Paninis.

Then I went to Cappelle's and bought some corn for dinner. So we had corn and tomatoes. Always a good meal.

I FINALLY have Dick's wounds dressed and DRY ( they got wet after I changed them the first time because we forgot that the carpet was wet from the shampooing. DUH!!), I put fresh tubes AND wrapped them with ace bandages. Now he is in bed and I hope the swelling will go down. I got a lot of instructions from Dr. Moreno when I called this morning and did EVERYTHING.

Now I am tired too.

An Irving Townsend said "a family cat is not replaceable like a worn-out coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes his own cat and none is repeated. I am four-cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded, but not replaced one another."

Isn't it interesting to think of oneself as "four cats old."

Dr. Fehrman's nurse called this morning. His stint procedure with Dr. Siddique is still on for 8/27 and Dr. Fehrman will do his surgery the next day. Pray for us.



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