Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A rather nice day. Pleasant temperatures and a lot accomplished. I even got to sleep til almost 6:30AM. Dick shut Chelsea out of the room for a while which helped. They were putting the second layer of blacktop on Highview today. This turned out to be very traumatic for me. The crew blocked off ALL ways out of Tallgrass. One had to kind of just be ready to go out or in whatever of the three ways they had open. It took a mind reader. I am not handling stress very well these days but I believe that the worst is over now.

I went grocery shopping at about 8:30AM. All went well. I got home by 10AM having shopped, stopped at the bank AND filled the gas tank on the car. When I got home we got Dick hooked up to his compression machine. We got all three sessions in today and changed the dressings and re wrapped the legs. The swelling is a bit down so we will continue with the wraps.

I went to Rhine for lunch. It was the bust up party for the summer league. I was only able to shoot once because of the sore neck and arm, but figured that I might as well enjoy the bust up. Good thing I did. Doc needed help cleaning up the kitchen. He asked if I had time and since I arrived close to the end and had about a hour I was able to help him. I brought home some Sloppy Joe mix and potato salad. That will be a good meal for Dick, Jim and Michelle on Friday. I have rolls.

I got to stay home the rest of the day and even got a little nap. I also canned a couple of jars of refrigerator pickles and worked on some of the computer projects that I HAVE to get done by the weekend. I need to finish a writeup for the worship folder for Celtic Mass and I need to get a quick letter off to my CWI group.

Friday, Nancy and I are going to go out to Rhine and shoot some pistol. We can take our time and then go somewhere for a sandwich or something.

Tomorrow, I only have one errand. I will be driving Mother to see Dr. Nytes, her ear doctor. She needs her hearing aid checked. The NEW one seems to be having a volume control problem and they both need cleaning.

The rest of the day is mine, I hope.

We had Kraft Tangy Spaghetti for supper tonight. Dick has been hungry for that for a while, so I decided that this was a good night for it. That is about the best package spaghetti around.

Have a nice Thursday.


Here is a quote from Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul that I found really touching. A Steve Smith wrote this in his story. "Chris was the archetypal freckle-faced little guy with missing teeth and chubby cheeks. He had the knack of looking sad and pitiful even when he was happy. When he was broken hearted, the angels held their breath."

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